The Reality of Doing
We have you make realistic entrances and exits with much attention spent on every detail. We deploy physical destination meaning: where are you coming from and where are you going? We have you live life and do in your own environment- looking for lost objects, while talking to multiple people on the telephone. All this training is to take attention off yourself, develop concentration, public solitude, and to get you out of your own way. Our process is very specific every scene you do as yourself in imaginary circumstances can also be done as role preparation for a character later in your training process. All Reality of Doing assignments have duality. Yes – there is a method to our madness.
New Studio Location
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(844) 5-ACTING
or, (844) 522-8464
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San Diego
(By Appointment Only)
6920 Miramar Road, Suite 200, 202 and 206
San Diego, California 92121
Los Angeles
(By Appointment Only)
10137 Riverside Drive, Ste 202
Toluca Lake, California 91602